
Unprecedent challenge towards carbon neutrality in steel making processes

In October 2020, Japan declared carbon neutrality target, reducing greenhouse gas emissions to zero by 2050. This is challenging. It requires structural changes in the energy and industrial sectors and also requires bold investment for innovation. METI developed “Green Innovation Fund” of 2 trillion yen at the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO) to support private sectors and public institutes which show their commitment to challenge such ambitious target.

Among sectors described in the Green Growth Strategy, “Hydrogen Utilization in Iron and Steelmaking Processes” project is set to achieve carbon neutrality in the steelmaking process. The aim of this project is to develop and demonstrate technologies that reduce CO2 emissions at least 50% by 2030, e.g. applying hydrogen reduction technology to existing blast furnaces and directly reduce low-grade iron ore with hydrogen.

NEDO, as an innovation accelerator, will promote the development of such technologies, together with relevant stakeholders.

Eiji Uehara

Director General
Environment Department
New Energy and Industrial Technology Department Organization(NEDO)