
The steel industry in Japan has already achieved the world’s top-level energy efficiency by making persistent efforts for energy saving, through which contributing to CO2 reduction as one of the countermeasures for global warming. Technology development is the key to responding to requests for further reduction of CO2 on a global scale, and drastic steps by innovative technologies are deemed indispensable in the long term.

In the initiative “Cool Earth 50” announced by the then Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in May 2007, proposed was the achievement of compatibility between environmental protection and economic growth through the utilization of energy-saving technologies and the like. To accomplish this aim, an initiative “COURSE 50” or “CO2 Ultimate Reduction System for Cool Earth 50 (COURSE50) Project” was established and positioned as one of the “Innovative Technology Development”.

COURSE 50 aims at developing technologies to reduce CO2 emissions by approximately 30% through suppression of CO2 emissions from blast furnaces as well as capture – separation and recovery – of CO2 from blast furnace gas (BFG), and establishing the technologies by ca. 2030 with the final goal of industrializing and transferring the developed technologies by 2050. The second step of NEDO* project – “Environmentally Harmonized Steelmaking Process Technology Development.” was carried out (2013 – 2017) (*New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization) . Next phase of this project – “Environmentally Harmonized Steelmaking Process Technology Development.” is now in progress (2018 – 2023)

* You can see the figure enlarged.

COURSE50 Project


CCS:Carbon Capture and Storage , CCU:Carbon Capture and Utilization